Is the state of Montana adopting the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)?
Montana played a key role in the development of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). According to the Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI), in 2012 Montana signed on as a lead state. This meant that OPI was able to submit comment on four separate drafts of the standards. As of September 2015, OPI is revising Montana’s science standards. These standards will reflect the K-12 Framework for Science Education.
What do I have to do to become an MPRES-certified teacher?
- Attend 10-day summer academy for 2 consecutive years: 2015 & 2016 or 2017 & 2018.
- Complete the online graduate course hosted by MSU-Billings; teacher agrees to enter the course for credit.
- Complete a research project on your area of interest or on your teaching.
- Complete evaluation assessments.
- Host scientists/BRIC leadership for classroom visits
- Attend planning meetings as needed (no more than two per calendar year)
When do I start?
Visits start as soon as everyone is selected and assigned to their cohort group, starting in January 2016.
How many credits do I earn for completing an MPRES course?
Three (3) graduate credits are earned for each professional development year, for a total of six (6) graduate credits over the project timeline.
How long does the course run and what is the meeting place and time?
The course typically runs during the Fall semester of each year. It is an online course with no specific meeting place or time.
What content is covered in the online course?
The course covers basic microbiology, disease studies, and research methods. The course content and associated science skills can be applied across multiple scientific disciplines.
How do I register for the MPRES program?
Refer to the Register for Professional Development page for information on how to register for MPRES.